Our Curriculm



A purposeful curriculum for parents that focuses on developing Biblical knowledge, community, and mentorship to make disciples and leaders in the home.

Our purpose is to help you build your home God’s way. Our focus is to develop parenting in three areas:

A Teacher- equip you with resources, skills, and knowledge to be the best homeschool teacher for your kids.

A Discipler-Encourage and equip you to raise your children in God’s Ways.

A Wise Advisory Community- Provide you with a community of support, encouragement, and mentorship so that you are not alone in your journey of parenting.

Student Leadership Curriculum- young adults (12+)

A purposeful curriculum for young adults that focuses on theology, relational skills, and apologetics.

Our purpose is to help you send out sharp arrows. Our focus is to develop leadership in three areas:

A Thinker- Theology and Biblical Foundations

A Disciple- Strong Life and Relational Skills

A Contender- One who fights for the faith -Apologetics

Psalm 127:4

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.

Fletcher- one who makes arrows.

skill-based curriculum

We partner with other skilled teachers and programs to help students develop life skills in academic areas such as math, reading, language, and science; or life stewardship areas such as CPR, vehicle maintenance, or culinary arts.

These classes are based on the availability of teachers and programs. They vary from year to year.

Performance Curriculum

A purposeful curriculum for students that focuses on the arts as a reflection of God’s excellence and creativity while also clearly proclaiming Biblical truth.

Our purpose is to help students know God and tell God. Our focus is to develop performers in three areas:

Musical/Artistic Ability

Performance, Stage, and Public Speaking-

Biblical Worldview of Beauty and Creativity