Easter- Day 6 - Jesus' Trial and Death

Easter- Day 6 - Jesus' Trial and Death

FRIDAY Jesus Trial and Death


  • When Adam and Eve sinned man was separated from God.

  • God made a solution through sending His son Jesus.


Read: Luke 22:39-71 , 23:1-46

Psalm 22

Isaiah 53: 1-9

Events to point out:

Agony in the Garden-Jesus’ prayer

The betrayal of Judas and the mob to arrest Him

The speedy Trial-

  1. Caiphas the High priest- home at night. Jesus was taken to the high priest’s home, Caiphas, first. Note that they did this in the middle of the night, or jewish early morning. They tried to find false witnesses and trump up charges against Jesus. The only thing they could find was a witness who said he would destroy the temple and raise it up. Then Jesus ‘condemns’ himself by saying he is the Son of God, blasphemy, deserving of death according to jewish law. 

  2. Pilate- governor of Judea. Jerusalem is in the province of Judea so Jesus was sent to Pilate first. When Pilate realized Jesus was a Galilean, he sent Him to Herod, the governor of that province. 

  3. Herod- governor of Galilee. Herod finds no guilt in Jesus. Since Herod is visiting Jerusalem and not in his jurisdictional area he sends Jesus back to Pilate. 

  4. Pilate condemns him based on the crowds’ testimony, even though he finds no guilt. 


Open Resurrection Egg 8-10

Other Activities

  • Taste Vinegar

  • Make a list of the Accusations against Jesus

  • Make list of the responses Jesus gave.

  • Compare the passages of Scripture about Jesus’ suffering, Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 with the account in Luke 22 and 23.

Questions for Discussion:

How did Jesus defend Himself?

Why did Jesus have to die?

What was the significance of the temple veil ripping in half?

Is Jesus’ death enough? How can you know?

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