Easter- Day 3 Jesus Rejected

Who did Jesus Talk to and Teach the Last Week? What did He say?

TUESDAY Jesus Rejected


  • The temple was the place Jesus went to teach often.

  • As a young boy Jesus had gone to the temple to talk, learn, and teach. Luke 2: 41-52


Read: Luke 20:1-47

Psalm 118:22


Open Resurrection Egg 3 again

Option 1 - Play Jenga or Build a tower and try to take out one of the foundation stones. Jesus says He was the chief cornerstone. This was the stone that laid the foundation for a building and was the one from which they measured and planned out the rest of the building. Jesus is telling the people that in not believing Him, they are rejecting the most important part of the building, Him.

Option 2- Look at the 3 main conversations/questions in this passage and break them apart. Download the 3 column chart.

  • Scribes, Chief Priests, and elders 20:2 Tell us by what authority you are doing these things? They attack Jesus’ authority.

  • Scribes and chief priests’ spies- 20: 22 Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? They attack Jesus’ ownership/God’s stewardship given to Jesus.

  • Sadducee- 20:28 Regarding the woman who married seven brothers, In the resurrection therefore, which one’s wife will she be? They mock Jesus’ power and plan for Resurrection.

Each time Jesus responded similarly. (He asked a question back) Can you find the questions He asked back to each group? Can you find how they relate to …

  • His authority

  • His ownership/stewardship

  • His power and plan of Resurrection

Questions for Discussion:

How did Jesus respond to the questions He was asked? What demeanor did He take?

Why do you think He told them a parable?

What was the command He gave His disciples at the conclusion of these conversations? Why?

What principle can we take away from these 3 conversations?

Easter- Day 4 Jesus Betrayed

Easter- Day 4 Jesus Betrayed

Easter- Day 2 - Jesus in the temple

Easter- Day 2 - Jesus in the temple